There we were, comfortably serving God, just minding our own business, and then it happened. In 2014 we began to feel a stirring in our spirits; it was a strong knowing that God was calling us out of our comfort zone. God told us we would begin to travel and take the gospel wherever He sent us. So with much prayer, planning and confirmation along the way we began to ready ourselves. One day I entered the sanctuary of the church we were pastoring and I felt the manifest pres-ence of the Holy Spirit, so I went to the altar to pray and the Lord told me to take off my shoes which I had done before in His presence, but never because He told me to. After some time of waiting upon the Lord, He said “give me your shoes” so I lifted them to Him, and He said to me “when you put on your shoes you will go where I tell you to go, say what I tell you to say, and I will provide for you.” The next day I received a phone call to go to Haiti all expenses paid to preach and teach the gospel! Well, My wife Nadine and I went to Haiti and upon our return we fully committed and stepped out and we are trusting God. We are now a location independent family of 7 willing to go and do the Lord’s work wherever He leads!!
Our Mission: Equipping God’s people to Awake from Apathy, Advance Territory and Walk in Authority!
Over the last seven years on the road we have seen many salvations, healings, deliverance and Revival services!! We have been blessed to minister with our children by our side. Many times in altar ministry several of our children are involved by praying for individuals and laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed!
We have held 48 tent meetings and minister across denominational lines, seeing salvations and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation!!

After 24 years of marriage and five children we're still best friends and love to travel spreading the Good news of Jesus, seeing the lost saved, and the body of Christ REVIVED!!